Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Yesterday was very productive for one of my Mondays and also very tiring. 
Yesterdays To List:
Take my mom to work
deposit check at the bank
Take boys to dentist
Pick up sister
Pick up dry cleaning
Get work shirts for husband
school with boys
Hobby Lobby
Blog/quilt/design wall
Check k12 enrollment status

I did not do any sewing but I received some fabric that I was waiting on to start on my Lazarus Fundraiser quilt.  I was excited to see that it had arrived and when I opened it I loved. I do no think that the fabric is right for the cause.  Never the less, It has been paid for specifically for this cause so I am going to go with it and see what happens.

I decided to use the lattice pattern for this quilt and instead of using the aqua, I'll be using a gray for the background color. The aqua makes it look babyish to me. 

I found a table cloth that is 
vinyl on one side and  soft on the other.  It measured at 54"x 80" something I think that will work for my larger layer of my design wall.  It is great in length, but would still like at least 3 more inches on both side.  In the mean time, it will be simple just to adjust my quilt top for that when needed.
Also I have wanted some clips to hold my rolled quilt while quilting and I found some at Hobby Lobby they were $4.  The ones that Nicole from Mama Love Quilts suggested were cheaper. I just never ordered them for some strange reason. But I am glad to have them now for the next project. I also picked up some threaded bobbins.

Today I am almost finished with the Scrappy Comic Strip Quilt and tomorrow will be starting on the Lazarus Quilt.

I would love to here your opinion on the fabric choice for the Lazarus quilt.

1 comment:

  1. I love that fabric line...hoping to get some myself this summer actually!
