Yesterday was very productive for one of my Mondays and also very tiring.
Yesterdays To List:
school with boys
Blog/quilt/design wall
I did not do any sewing but I received some fabric that I was waiting on to start on my Lazarus Fundraiser quilt. I was excited to see that it had arrived and when I opened it I loved. I do no think that the fabric is right for the cause. Never the less, It has been paid for specifically for this cause so I am going to go with it and see what happens.
I decided to use the lattice pattern for this quilt and instead of using the aqua, I'll be using a gray for the background color. The aqua makes it look babyish to me.
I found a table cloth that is
vinyl on one side and soft on the other. It measured at 54"x 80" something I think that will work for my larger layer of my design wall. It is great in length, but would still like at least 3 more inches on both side. In the mean time, it will be simple just to adjust my quilt top for that when needed.
Also I have wanted some clips to hold my rolled quilt while quilting and I found some at Hobby Lobby they were $4. The ones that Nicole from Mama Love Quilts suggested were cheaper. I just never ordered them for some strange reason. But I am glad to have them now for the next project. I also picked up some threaded bobbins.
Today I am almost finished with the Scrappy Comic Strip Quilt and tomorrow will be starting on the Lazarus Quilt.
I would love to here your opinion on the fabric choice for the Lazarus quilt.
I love that fabric line...hoping to get some myself this summer actually!